Submissions Information
ArtsForge Announcements
A Virtual Canvas for Collaborating Artists, Writers and Musicians

Submitting Images | Submitting Writings | Submitting Music
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Submitting Artwork

The best way to submit artwork is to send the URL via email to If you do not have an online gallery or a way of posting images, send the image either embedded in an email or as a JPEG (.jpg) attachment to an email. Please include the title(s), media and/or programs used, and any information about yourself you think is appropriate. Digital and nondigital art (scanned) are both accepted.

ArtsForge is always looking for additional Feature Artists.
Also, open galleries which post single works by artists include:

The Body Electric •|• Fairies: Magical Images •|• Myths & Legends
Gallery of the Macabre •|• Portraits •|• Gallery of Alien Worlds
Impressionists •|• Surrealists •|• Realists •|• Abstract Artists
Fractals Mini Gallery

Ongoing ArtsForge collaborative projects with open submissions include:

Discovering the Heavens •|• Brycelander Through Time

ArtsForge is always interested in new collaborative projects. Feel free to email any suggestions.

Submitting Writings

The only way to submitted writings is via email to Do NOT attach the submission as a separate document. Simply send in your submission as the body of an email. Please include in the SUBJECT what project the submission is intended for.

ArtsForge is always looking for additional feature Poets. Also, these poetry projects are open to all writers:

The Art to Poetry Forge •|• Talismans of Passion

These fictional prose projects are open to all writers:

The Journey •|• Last of the Faeries •|• A Child's Smile
Lost in MindSpace •|• The Colony •|• Xianu Override
Brycelander Through Time

ArtsForge is always interested in new collaborative projects. Feel free to email any suggestions.

ArftsForge also collects wisdom, wit, riddles and lists of inspiration movies and books. If you would like to contribute to the follwing pages, please submit via email as stated above:

Tower of Babel Project •|• Riddles •|• Humor •|• Anagrams
Best Books List •|• The Best Science Fiction Novels
Best Films •|• Best Science Fiction Movies

Submitting Music

Unless you are a Featured Musician on our Misic Showcase page, we only accept MIDI submissions capable of playing on standard web-accessible MIDI players. Please submit MIDI files as attachments to emails to: Include a brief desciption of the type of music submitted, what ArtsForge project the submission is intended for, and any information about yourself you deem approrpiate.

These music projects are open to all composers:

The MIDI Collaborative
Open All Night •|• The Jazz Etudes Project •|• Stalker
Brycelander Variations
The ArtsForge MIDI Player

If you are interested in being considered for the Featured Musicians Music Showcase, contact:

In Association with


Established August 28, 1998

This site is constantly evolving and is updated regularly.

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