Poetry |
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Poetry Showcase Index:
Tobin James Mueller | Karla Huston | J. Carringotn Scott | Richard Schletty
Talismans of Passion | WordForge Short Story Projects | Art-to-Poetry Project
Gregory DelTufo's Spoken Poetry MP3 Downloads
Karla Huston is the author of five chapbooks of poetry: |
Tobin is a professional author, composer and Dramatists Guild playwright who has been publishing poetry since 1977. His newest poetry cycle, "Falling Past Love," is a journey of erotic joy and deep separation, and it is winning praise across the web. "Falling Past Love" reads like a series of short stories, creating amoving story of love nearly realized. Tobin continues to post a selection of older poems and lyrics, as well as a first-hand account of his experiences living in downtown Manhattan on September 11, 2001: Journal from the Streets. |
J. C. is a young woman also living in New York City writing from difficult relationship experiences. These first poems are wonderful and we hope for more in the future: |
Del's thrilling bass voice is set to musical backgrounds as he brings some of Tobin Mueller's best poetry to life. Free mp3s: |
Provocative and thoughtfully spiritual poems: |
William Bouguereau's Abduction of Psyche |
#2 |
Ian Brand's The Touch |
#3 |
Martin Murphy's The Piano |
#4 |
Ian Brand's Worship |
#5 |
Anna Weinstein's Old Man in Prayer |
#6 |
Toilet #3 |
#7 |
Eric Green's Sea Wall |
#8 |
Eric Green's Storm |
#9 |
Paul Gauguin's Two Women with Mangoes |
The Art & Poetry Submissions Project displays poetry alongside the artwork which provided the initial inspiration. To submit: Please include your poem as the text of an email with the name of the corresponding artwork mention in the subject.
The images, words and music of ArtsForge artists displayed in the ArtsForge Galleries and Showcases are copyrighted with all rights reserved.
If you are interested in participating in future WordForge collaborations,
please contact ArtsForge email.